Tailgate BBQ this Sunday!

Join us this Sunday for a tailgate BBQ. Here are the details:

To stay safe during the pandemic, the church itself will not provide any food or utensils.
We’re asking each family to bring their own BBQ or even just a regular lunch
After the service (about 11:30 am) we’ll eat together as a church

Please maintain social distancing. Masks and hand sanitizer available.

Lord’s Supper this Sunday, August 9th

This Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. To keep everyone safe, we’re asking each family unit to bring their own elements, which will include unleavened bread (crackers should suffice) and some grape juice.

Here’s what Jesus said in Mark 14:22-24

And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. (ESV)