Join us this summer!

Join us this summer!
Friday night, May 3rd, Hilltop Auditorium, 7:00 pm.
Join us for a night of worship, testimony, and scripture reading, followed by an ice-cream social. Our theme is ‘He Makes all Things new!’
We’re so thankful for everyone who made this day happen! Thank you!
He is risen!
Join us this Thursday for a Maundy Thursday Potluck, Lord’s Supper, and scripture reading celebration. Everyone invited!
Last begins with A-L (Bring a side dish)
Last begins with M-Z (Bring a dessert)
Hilltop Church Fellowship Hall
412 West Stockton Road, Sonora, CA
Thursday, April 18th, 6:30 pm
Join us this Sunday for Easter at the Opera Hall!
Sunday, April 21st, 10:30 am
250 S Washington St, Sonora, CA 95370
Refreshments, free Bibles for the kids, and a message of hope!
Our Spring Schedule has arrived!