Girls and gals of all ages invited.
Sunday, July 4th, 12:15 pm, Hilltop Church Coffee House
We’ll provide the hamburgers, hotdogs, bacon, and condiments!
You bring the side dishes and dessert!
Last name A-M (bring a side dish)
Last name N-Z (bring a dessert)
More information will be available as the event gets closer. Save the date!
Two services (9:00 am & 11:00 am)
Nursery is available during the 11:00 am service for newborns through 3-years old.
Masks available, not required.
You can also watch our teaching online here (https://hilltopsonora.com/multimedia/)
(Videos will be recorded & posted Sunday evenings)
412 West Stockton Road, Sonora CA 95370
Across from the Fairgrounds
This Sunday we are having our service outdoors on the stage! Here are a few things to note:
We are only having one service at 11:00 am
Please bring a lawn chair, camping chair, or blanket
Be prepared for outdoor seating (sunblock, umbrella, hat, sunglasses, etc…)
The church will provide cold drinks
Nursery is still available indoors
Meet people, get involved, and grow together!