Church Workday 09.26.2020

Join us on Saturday, September 26th at 9:00 am. Here’s the projects in order of importance:

Plant 7 trees
Compact the soil at the mine shaft
Complete the parsonage fencing
Cold patch a small section on the driveway
Misc. pick-up in preparation for Fall

Tailgate BBQ this Sunday!

Join us this Sunday for a tailgate BBQ. Here are the details:

To stay safe during the pandemic, the church itself will not provide any food or utensils.
We’re asking each family to bring their own BBQ or even just a regular lunch
After the service (about 11:30 am) we’ll eat together as a church

Please maintain social distancing. Masks and hand sanitizer available.

Amani Children’s Choir this Tuesday!

Who is the Amani Children’s Choir?
Amani children’s Choir ( is a ministry of Light Africa Ministries (, which is based in Uganda. Light Africa is also a USA Non-Profit with TAX ID # 45-4815027. Their vision is to create Godly servant leaders impacting their generation and generations to come

Tuesday, July 21st, Hilltop outdoor stage
6:00 pm (outdoor potluck & tailgate BBQ)
6:30 pm (the choir performs in both song and testimony)

*Please maintain social distancing and be wise as we minister during the pandemic.

Ruth Bible Study Continues Over Zoom

Our Ruth Bible Study continues tomorrow night at 6:30 pm over Zoom!

Zoom is an online platform for video communication. It enables a group of people to meet online with both video and audio. Participants will need a device (computer, laptop, or tablet) and an internet connection. Instructions on how to join our group will be sent out via email and text.

We’re Going Virtual

At Hilltop Church we believe that God is in control! In His power, we are going to thrive in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. That said, our best bet to teach the Gospel and continue to minister to each other is by implementing the following changes:

1. We will have a full service posted to our website and social media every Sunday morning before 9:30 am. We ask you to meet with your family, open your bibles in preparation, pray, and watch the service.

2. Since all physical meetings are canceled, we are looking at using Zoom to host our various small groups. More info to come.

3. We have people with extra food and toilet paper. If any member of our church community is in need (physical or spiritual), please reach out to us. We are committed to taking care of each other.

4. Our ministry requires resources to operate. Giving can be done by simply sending a check to our address or giving online–the tab is on the top right of the website.

Take care and stay safe!